When I did have a chance, I ran the washer and it burnt out the solenoid again. I was going to closely watch it for its maiden voyage, but the phone rang. When I hung up the phone the scent of burnt electrical doodad was in the air.
I found an appliance repair site that suggested burnt out solenoids twice in a row means the timer is an issue. So back to the old dishwasher in the basement and in a couple minutes I had a new timer installed. Of course now I've burnt out all my solenoids, so I had to order a new one.

The timer assembly
One post I found online suggested that you can save money by just replacing the timer motor in the assembly because it is the problem most of the time. What you should do is test the resistance of the motor and compare it to your schematic. In general, it should be in the 2000 to 3500 ohms range. I had a free full assembly in the basement, so I didn't bother testing the motor. Also I know that the dishwasher in the basement is older but has been run far less than the one in our unit. I would advise you to check how the motor mounts on to the assembly before ordering a new motor. Mine is mounted with little bent metal tabs which are not meant for repeated assembly and disassembly. In my experience it can be tough to get those to hold the motor just right. Also if you fiddle with them too much, they can snap.

The timer motor
It took awhile to match up the numbers from the part online, but eventually I found part 824336 on RepairClinic.com. A search for most of the numbers printed on both the timer and the solenoid had no results in google or on a couple appliance parts sites, so I figured it might be helpful if there was a list posted online of all of the part numbers that are used together in the dishwasher. I tend to prefer confirmation that not only the model number of the appliance agrees, but that the part number does to. You never know if some crazy DIY guy replaced parts in your appliance from a different model in the basement. Anyway without further ado, here's a fascinating list of numbers:
timer motor
115VAC CW 3W
RPM 1/3
60 hz
timer gear and switch assembly (from basement)
norm TM061G2
H21002123 (stamped on case)
timer gear and switch assembly (from installed unit)
norm TM061G3
l21209202 (stamped on case)
drain valve solenoid
120V/60HZ 71WI
STC-13UC B01 (might be 301)