Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Quilly Little Hedgehog

We saw a wonderfully written and directed film called "The Lives of Others" about the secret police in East Germany and suddenly I knew how to write a poem based on a poetry group assignment about a headless hedgehog. I had also just heard that in Poland hedgehogs are abundant (I gather its like squirrels in Jersey).

"The Quilly Little Hedgehog"

The quilly little hedgehog
rolls into a ball
he is able
he is able

The quilly little hedgehog
waddles along
life roles on
life roles on

The quilly little hedgehog
survives in Poland
rolls in numbers
rolls in numbers

The quilly little hedgehog
hides his head to danger
he is headless
he is headless

The quilly little hedgehog
sees despair in others
he has vision
he has vision

The quilly little hedgehog
never saves another
he is safe now
he is so safe now

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