Tuesday, February 12, 2008

what data when

I spoke with Derek Powazek the founder and CEO of pixish (pixel + publish) about voting before a product is made. It is an essential part of Pixish which would otherwise merely be a call for submission posting board, it is instead something greater. Traditionally you collect data after the fact. You log the point of sale of a product and then mine from that data and related demographics based on a customer rewards card or credit card. But what does it mean to get that data early? People who are motivated to vote on the cover are not only saying which cover they like best, but presumably they are thinking about which cover is the right fit. This means people are engaged with the product in not only the sense of "do I want this or not" but instead they are thinking "what is this" on a deeper level than usual. This might lead to a much deeper connection/identification with a product than you would otherwise have. Not only does voting yield early marketing enthusiasm but also deeper connections to the product.

BTW, speaking of Derek, you should check our Fray (can you believe he got fray.com? He just asked nicely and got it. This guy's got karma.) I just started reading the print edition of Busted and I'm impressed. The commitment to honest but entertaining story telling is paradoxically perfect.


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